Addressing writers at the virtual media preparation, Salman said: “All things considered, I’m frequently inquired as to whether I’m doing the show or not, so I get bothered now and again and let these individuals know that I would rather not do the show. Be that as it may, these individuals are vulnerable as they feel on the off chance that not me, then, at that point, who else. In this way, they must choose between limited options.” By ‘they’, the star clearly implied the makers of the show.

On the talk that his expenses amounted to Rs 1,000 crore, he said: “I could never get this much and assuming in all actuality I get this sum, I don’t think I’d work. I have a ton of costs like on legal counselors and in view of these reports, personal expense individuals will begin seeing me.”

At the point when inquired as to why he has gotten back to the show as host, he said: “I gain some useful knowledge on this show and get to meet such countless individuals, and at whatever point they go off course, I acquire them back the correct bearing. I safeguard the tormented and menace the ones who menace. In the four months when this show goes on, we bond like a family.”

On whether he might want to welcome a Bollywood couple on the show, Salman said: “Nobody. I don’t figure anybody can play the game inside. It’s something else. I wouldn’t take the names yet I might want to have a couple of hopefuls who might go inside single yet emerged from the house together.”

Salman then, at that point, discussed his mom’s decreasing affection for the show. He uncovered: “She used to strictly watch it. Presently, she additionally watches different shows. This may be on the grounds that she feels that she has had a lot of ‘Bigg Chief’.”

On being gotten some information about a recommendation given to him by his mom, he referenced facetiously: “She advises me to proceed to show them a thing or two. For that reason I get so energized.” ‘Bigg Supervisor 16’ is good to go to begin from October 1 at 9:30 p.m. on Tones.