Safeway Dress Code

Stores or companies, that don’t have any uniforms, need to follow a specific dress code according to the rules of the company for a serious work environment. When you talk about the grocery store Safeway, its employees also follow a dress code that is a polo t-shirt provided by the company, dark color jeans, black shoes, a Safeway cap, and an apron. For some positions, employees have to wear a white t-shirt and black pants, or a full black dress. Keep reading the article to know more about the dress code. 

Job Requirements to Get Hired at Safeway: Safeway Dress Code

If you want a job at Safeway you must have skills like good communication skills, hard-working, knowing how to manage time, customer service skills, a good attitude, managing stores, and doing work quickly. To work here candidates must be 16 years of age or older. You can apply for the job online on the Safeway website by filling out the form with all the required information. After the application process, you have to go through short and final interviews. Candidates can start working after attending the orientation. If you are getting hired at Safeway then you must be curious about their dress code so let’s discuss the dress code in detail. 

Dress Code for Male and Female Employees at Safeway

The employees of Safeway are required to wear a polo t-shirt provided by the company with dark blue or black jeans. Clothes should be properly pressed. Some of the staff of different departments wears cap and apron.  For some job positions at Safeway, they also have to wear full black clothes or a white shirt and black jeans or pants. Male employees must have a clean shave and only a simple mustache is allowed. Both male and female employee’s nails and hands must be clean. If any female employee has to wear nail polish then the colors must be neutral and the length of the nails should not be too long. 

Clothes That Are Not Allowed For Employees

Employees cannot wear shorts and leggings as they do not give professional look. Skirts are also not allowed but at some branches, you can wear skirts that are made of a fabric that looks professional.  Also, shocking color clothes are not allowed. 

Guidelines for Wearing Piercings and Jewelry 

Employees can wear piercings but it should be limited. Employees cannot wear piercings on their faces as it looks very unprofessional. Only piercings in ears are allowed. If male employees are wearing long chains they should be under their shirts. Female employees can only wear decent and small jewelry to look professional. 

Tattoos Policy

Employees can have tattoos but they should not be offensive in any way. If your body has many tattoos then make sure to cover them because it looks very unprofessional. Some branches don’t allow tattoos, it’s best to ask the manager before doing anything like this. 

Hairstyles for Employees

Female employees who have long hair must tie their hair so it doesn’t interrupt the work.  Make sure that your hair is away from your face. Male employees must have a proper haircut; long hair is not accepted by the company.

Benefits for Employees at Safeway

Being an employee at any workplace also gives you many benefits. Similarly, when you talk about the benefits for employees at Safeway, there are many benefits which are listed below:

Coverage of medical expenses. Employees get paid holidays and sick leaves. A retirement plan. Parental leaves. You get employee discounts.  Employee’s educational expenses are given by the company.  


Safeway gives its customers the best grocery and services. You can even order groceries on your doorstep by ordering from its website. The employees working at Safeway are very friendly and help customers in every way. To keep up the best working environment, employees need to follow a dress code given by the company. All the employees must wear dark jeans and a polo shirt given by the company. Make sure you read all the guidelines of the dress code and don’t wear clothes or any other things which are against it.  There are many pros to working at Safeway. If candidates can easily follow the dress code and are eligible for the job, they must work here. 

Q: Can employees wear fake nails?

Answer: No, wearing fake nails is not allowed because it creates difficulty during work.

Q: What is the highest-paid job at Safeway?

Answer: The highest-paid job at Safeway is Staff Pharmacist, with an average salary of $140,930 per year.

Q: What is the delivery fee of Safeway?

Answer: If a customer’s bill is less than a $150 they have to pay a $12.90, and if they have more than $150 bill they have to pay $9.90 delivery fee.