The Russian Blue kitten can make a great addition to your home. Many pet lovers cherish their big stature and silvery coat which makes them more adorable and stunning. The cost of an average Russian blue kitten varies with many factors including the pet lover’s preferences, but an average Russian blue kitten costs between $400-$600.

If you are looking for an independent furry companion that’s easy to maintain, then you should get a Russian Blue cat. They are famous for their emerald green eyes and massive bodies that depict their personality.

Russian Blue cat Description

The Russian Blue cat was made by mating the British Blue and the Blue Point Siamese. They have long limbs and long bodies that reach medium to large sizes in adulthood. They have a straight small head and high cheekbone with a strong chin and large ears. Their eyes are oval and wide with an emerald green hue. And their bodies are covered in a dense, thick coat that’s blue-gray with a silvery look.

What to Expect Before Buying a Russian Blue Kitten

Kittens are high-energy- they will need your care and attention to stimulate and train them. They can climb on things and get into weird places you might not even expect. So, you need to cat-proof your house if you are getting one. Kittens are nocturnal, they tend to be very active at night. You can help this by playing with them before your bedtime so that they’d be ready to sleep by then too. They can chew up anything that interests them including plants, wire, etc. They need a space of their own so, you must get them cat trees and scratching posts at a space in the house where they can hang around. They must be made to get used to nail trimming and should not get used to playing with your hands. Get them used to your schedule and be intentional about it.

Russian Blue Kitten Facts

They are always very active and need attention. They are very smart and always want it clean, especially their litterThey are very persistent and vocal.  They are hypoallergenic, and they shed less seasonally. They are well-behaved and are easy to train. They are low-maintenance cats. They quickly adapt to and prefer routine- their internal clocks are solid. They look bigger than their actual size. They aren’t prone to diseases and prefer a stable environment rather than a changing one. They hate being picked up; they are not lap cats. Their long limb and muscular body allow them to climb quickly to feed their curiosity.

The Russan blue cats are adorable and friendly but independent cats that are easy to train. Their massive body that’s graced with a blue silvery coat depicts their personality. They are persistent and highly vocal and easily adapt to routine. They hardly love change but are perfect for every household type. They are also stealth hunters and adept climbers, so before you buy or adopt your Russian Blue cat, be sure to have high-quality furniture that is sturdy and durable to support their weight.

  1. Do Russian Blue cats love cuddling?

Yes. Russian Blue cats love cuddling and attention, but try not to pick them up too often as they love being independent and are not lap cats.

  1. Are Russian blue cats expensive?

Russian Blue cats typically cost between $400 to $600. Other factors to consider when buying a Russian Blue cat include your preferences and choice of breeder. You must get your pets from reputable breeders who follow the standards and ethics of breeding so that you can be sure you are getting a pure breed.

  1. Do Russian Blues make good house pets?

Yes. Russian blue cats are independent and friendly, and they are low-maintenance cats. Many Russian Blue cat owners have reported that these pets can be alone for long hours while you are away. But you need to compensate for your absence by giving them enough care and attention when you are back home.

  1. How often should I groom my Russian Blue cat?

Bathing your Russian blue should be once a month unless they are dirty, but brushing their hairs should be twice a week to maintain its sheen and even distribution of oils. Their teeth should be brushed regularly and their ears cleaned with ear cleaners designed for pets. Ensure to use only pet products from accredited stores.