The details of the rumor are that currently Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi’s Mansion and Super Smash Bros. Melee are being tested for release. It should be noted these title were considered by both critics and fans to be some of the best games on the console. 

Animal Crossing is also being tested and may see a release as well. 

Now, the inclusion of Super Smash Bros. Melee is an interesting one. 2016 marked the title’s 15 year anniversary. The game to date still sees active professional competition by players world wide. Its inclusion may be a means to encourage players to switch to the new console.

With the Nintendo Switch on schedule for release in 2017, this rumor will likely be addressed relatively soon – we’re guessing at the next Switch reveal event in January. 

What Nintendo Gamecube game would you like to see on the Virtual Console? Please let us know in the comment section below.