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While we know for a fact that “downloadable” and “video game discs” are likely referring to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s Wii U version, what we don’t know is what “video game cartridges” and “video game memory cards” references. It could be very well possible that these reference the Nintendo NX, a console already rumored to have cartridges - and is confirmed by GameStop as having a physical medium.

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Further evidence supporting the idea that the NX (and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by extension) will have cartridge media is that the patent for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE does not have it listed. However, one counter argument to this patent is that Ever Oasis also lists “video game discs” (see below) as a medium for the game, despite being a 3DS title.

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Remember, as always these are simply rumors until confirmed. While a US patent seems like a legitimate source, their text-based format can be forged. Until a source directly links to the patents themselves, these images are to be taken with a grain of salt.

This concludes this session of Rumor Mill. What do you think about the patents? Do you believe that this confirms the NX rumor? Leave your opinions in the comments section below!