Apple’s annual shareholders meeting is taking place today at its headquarters in Cupertino where shareholders vote on proposals from both Apple management and other shareholders, and Apple fields questions from attendees at the meeting. While shareholder meetings aren’t broadcasted like earnings calls, a few members of the media are in attendance to report the event’s activities. Below is a roundup of news coming out of the meeting…

– Shareholders pass all Apple proposals

– Cook says ResearchKit isn’t about ROI

All Apple proposals passed, but exec comp one got 25.37% no votes, which is high.

— Philip Elmer-DeWitt (@philiped) March 10, 2015

– Cook reiterates China growth mentioned at yesterday’s event

Tim Cook says research kit has no business model or ROI – “this is not the lens at which we look at the world”

— Daisuke Wakabayashi (@daiwaka) March 10, 2015

– Apple bought 23 companies in last 15 months

Cook says “We are the largest American company in China… We are still learning. We are not experts.” Opening 40 stores there by mid-2016.

— Tim Bradshaw (@tim) March 10, 2015

– Activist Jesse Jackson asks Cook to appoint an African American on the board, return overseas cash (Apple currently has a pending vacancy on its board)

Apple acquired 23 companies in 15 months. “We are constantly on the look out for talent, for IP & for other things that are of interest.”

– Cook says Apple will continue to work on diversity

Jackson asks Apple to put an African American on the board and to bring back offshore trillions to invest in his community

– Amid Apple Car talk, shareholder says Apple should buy Tesla, Cook pushes CarPlay

Tim Cook says he’s going to work on equality “until his toes point up”

Asked about diversity, Cook points to Lisa Jackson. “She’s not hired because she’s African American, she’s hired because she’s perfect.”

– Shareholders pushing Tesla angle, Cook continues to dodge

Tim Cook, talking CarPlay today: “We know that when you step in the car you don’t want to step in a time capsule and go back 20 years.”

Apple shareholder says “I’d like to see you guys buy Tesla!”

Tim Cook says we don’t have a relationship with tesla, wants them to use CarPlay. “Was that a good way to avoid the question?” Laughter

Another tesla question – “we’re very focused on car play”

– Cook on IBM partnership…

Another Tesla question: “I think there is something about you two companies.” Cook: “Let me think if there’s another way to do a non-answer”

– Meeting wraps up with advice to shareholders from Cook

Apple relationship with IBM is like glove on hand says Cook

10:10 last question from a man who bought stock when Cook gave up his bonus. “What can we do to help Apple?” Cook: tell us when we screw up

10:13 Apple shareholder meeting ends.